2021年2月20日 星期六

Zaulson Lee

Haoran is righteous and cowardly demons
  Many magi!  What is the meaning of my giving fruit today, can you understand?  Just forget it?  Didn't you have a snack?  Stand up one by one from this row and talk about your experience.  I didn't show my majesty today to scare you guys?  Because the wise men are gentle and gentle, I can enlighten them with reason. As for the experience, everyone should have more or less?  Connect with everyone and talk about your expectations for the future.  The great virtuous people persuade sentient beings to make repairs, the purpose is also that the wise men can avoid disasters and disasters, and the gods and gods of the heavens also hope that the spirituality of salvation and others will avoid disasters and not be disturbed by monsters in order to make a great vow.  Ordinary people think that the way to avoid disasters and evils is to hang a portrait of a fairy Buddha. For example, hang an icon of Bodhidharma to prevent evil invasions. What kind of Buddha statue do you hang?  Exorcism?  To exorcise evil spirits with Buddha statues, you need to have righteousness. You have to learn the virtues of immortal buddhas to move the immortal buddhas you worship and hang to help exorcise evils. If you have a way to understand the importance of doing merit, you should  Why do you understand the injustice will interfere?  Why do monsters come to intrude?  Some are because the turbidity is too heavy, the mind is not right, the karma is too heavy, and there is interference from invisible karma, and there are demons who come to disturb the world when their minds are not right and the heart is not right, so the wise men don’t care about you.  You need to practice yourself in any way you want to avoid disasters, avoid evil, cowardly, and avoid the interference of demons. Everyday life needs to be regulated and regular. If you want demons unable to invade, you need to have a strong righteousness.  In your life, you must know how to cultivate so that your primordial essence, primordial spirit, and vitality can be sufficient, because monsters are impossible to guard against. You must consolidate your own defenses, because you can’t prevent them from intruding, so you must start with yourself to guard.  How to prevent monsters from invading when monsters come to invade?  Your own vitality, vitality, and vitality must be sufficient, and your daily life must be regular, adjusted, and regulated. You should not sleep during the day, because your blood qi will increase in turbidity during the day when you sleep, and your cultivation level must also be improved.  Righteousness, this is very useful for you to avoid the interference of evil spirits. Otherwise, people will easily interfere with you when they are weak, when the heart is unstable, when they are in poor health, or when they are invisible.  Will be very susceptible to invisible interference.

        Settle your house and protect your body with a bright mirror

  You must cultivate to the point where the predestined conditions are not disturbed, so that the entanglements of this world cannot interfere with you and cannot shake your Taoism.  As for external impact and external interference, what can be used to reverse it?  Do merit and beg God.  Wearing a bright mirror is also one way, because the bright mirror can emit light, so that some evil spirits will not dare to invade, and will be avoided temporarily. However, there is a holy mirror in the temple, and a bright mirror in the family.  Can the monster come in?  If these are to be manifested, wouldn't they be able to enter?  (Yes) What is the purpose of installing the holy mirror and the bright mirror?  (Avoiding evil) It is possible to avoid evil and let evil spirits retreat temporarily, but is there a way for ordinary people to use spells to make the invisible retreat?  This spell has timeliness. The invisible was temporarily retired for a period of time. After the time limit has passed, the invisible can still approach the enemy and creditor to interfere. So what is the fundamental solution?  When ordinary people are disturbed by evil spirits, they may ask people to use charms to settle down and press their bodies. At this time, it is necessary to understand that charms have a time effect. This time, a period of time invisible will be temporarily avoided, but a period of time has passed.  After that, the intangible still has a way to get close to your body to ask you for retribution, because there is no way to offset your karma if you don't do merits with a spell!  So among the many ways to avoid evil, to find the most effective method, you can directly transfer merits.

         Your responsibility to guard the dojo

  How many methods have I talked about today to eliminate disasters and exorcise evil spirits?  I have told you many ways out. These methods are very useful. I hope you will understand "Don’t cross this body in this life, but when will you cross this body!" There are gods and generals in the heavens, and the netherworld has functions and people.  There are many talents, everyone can see, Sancao Pudu is really doing it!  And everyone's responsibility is to protect the dojo and guard the vocation of everyone together!  That's why I also mentioned how to relieve evil, escape from danger, save life, exorcise evil, destroy demons, and eliminate disasters. These methods are given to the wise men to use them. That's it.  (Thank you, Immortal Buddha for mercy) You are welcome, this is my heart, and I also came to my grand vow through such help, so I won't delay any more.  The Living Buddha of Jigong has also come, but he is watching you group silently, hoping that you will live up to his painstaking cultivation and teaching, and be able to broaden your Dao Karma and save more lives.  Well, at this point, my encouragement, I must go back to heaven and give a decree, that is to say, knock on the emperor's mother.  I left the temple.

2021年2月8日 星期一

Zaulson Lee

Zaulson Lee

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2021年2月2日 星期二

Zaulson Lee


  傑西·漢佩爾(Jessi Hempel)
 在LinkedIn上打開此文章,以了解人們對這個話題的看法。 在領英上打開
 夸梅·克里斯蒂安(Kwame Christian)在談判中說:``正確與說服之間有很大的區別。''

 在我職業生涯的早期,我要求老闆加薪。 當時,我是《財富》雜誌的一名作家。 我記得我很緊張,所以我很緊張,會感到眼淚s著眼角。 你曾經發生過這些事情嗎?

 我在紙上寫了一個劇本。 我曾經在鏡子裡練習過,然後和同事一起練習過。 在我的編輯同意加薪之前,我幾乎沒有啟動過該腳本。 我記得告訴他,“但是我有這個腳本!讓我讀我的腳本!”

 我們見面後的幾分鐘,我鬆了一口氣。 然後,我生自己的氣。 如果他很容易同意我的請求,我為什麼不要求更多呢?

 今天的客人Kwame Christian是艱難對話的大師。 他相信您可以談判任何事情。 夸梅(Kwame)是法學教授和商業律師,他是美國談判協會(American Negotiation Institute)的主任。 幾年前,他出版了一本書,闡明了他的作法,並獲得了一個很好的稱號:《沒人願意和我一起玩:如何利用同情心的好奇心來尋找衝突的信心》。

 今天,我們將深入探討他的哲學。 您可以下載該劇集以了解其內容,或在下面收聽。 然後,請分享您的想法並將其標記為#HelloMonday,以便我跳入對話。


 關於他的富有同情心的好奇心的框架:“第一步是承認和驗證情感。第二步是對同情心感到好奇。第三步是共同解決問題。因此,當我與五歲或五歲的我進行談判時 老婆在家,我正在使用完全相同的框架。”

 人們犯下的最大錯誤是:“他們沒有解決情感方面的問題。正確與有說服力之間有很大的區別。您可以進入那裡,鎖定並載入所有事實,所有邏輯,所有 推理和理論基礎,卻仍然無法獲得想要的東西。...當您考慮決策的心理學時,人們將首先帶著自己的情感做出決策。”


 在選擇進行艱難的交談時:``我採取死板的觀點。我說,如果回首這一刻,當我去世的時候,我會如何感覺自己在這種情況下的表現...我想做的是 我的[00:15:45]觀點應盡可能地從對失敗的恐懼轉向對後悔的恐懼。”

 關於克服對拒絕的恐懼:“您需要讓自己暴露於最令您恐懼的事物上。很多人都害怕拒絕,這是有道理的。因為如果您從進化心理學的角度思考它,您就會 當我們進入部落時,如果我被社交圈拒絕了,那就是死亡....所以人們擔心拒絕會很合情合理,現在,我們可以做的是 有意將自己暴露在拒絕中,以克服它。”

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