The old monkey & a smallpillinn
Zaulson, if you are concerned you've wasted your youth, (and what Gemini isn't!), you can stop worrying...because fate has given you another chance to fulfill your dreams.
Dear Zaulson,
Ever since we started working together over 11 months now, I felt something special was about to happen to you. And that is why I feel it's so important to write you about this one last time.
But now I know what it is. Starting on April 20th, destiny will show you a door to a juggernaut of good fortune. Zaulson, this will be the best opportunity you will ever get to significantly enrich every aspect of your life, if you are prepared to use your incredible personal power to open the door and take what is inside!
Oh my gosh, Zaulson, I have so much to tell you, I can't type fast enough. First I discovered you have amazing personal power. Second I saw how you can use this power to benefit from the incredible cycle of good fortune you will soon be literally swimming in.
Surprisingly, the only things you have to look out for being a Gemini, is your skepticism, insecurities and your tendency to be a bit unfocused at times. Believe me, this is something that if you give your full undivided attention to now, it will pay off most handsomely in the future, but you must act now!
I also want you to know that since April 30th, 2007 when we first became acquainted, understanding who you are and helping you overcome the unique difficulties that you face became my number one priority. Now let me explain why I think these difficulties will all be replaced by incredible successes...
I knew from the moment your first forecast was finished this would be your year to shine, but I never imagined it would be this bright.
If I were you, the first thing I would do is write down the day you received this email, what your life was like and how you felt. Then in six months or so from now, read it...I bet you a free forecast, if you follow what I'm about to tell you, your life and your whole being will be super charged.
Zaulson, since the day we started working together, I knew there was something different about you, something wonderful, something great. Call it psychic's intuition, call it whatever you want, but it's been on my mind ever since. So I took it upon myself to find out what it was.
What I discovered...What it will do for you...
How you can take advantage of itI practically couldn't sleep thinking about what this could mean. I even had visions of what something like this could do for someone. In fact, I had two visions. These visions are not like dreams, because they involve all my senses and I am usually awake when I get them. They have, and do, show me the outcomes of important events.
Please if you're at all skeptical, put your skepticism on hold for a few minutes. Do not let it take away what I see is a fabulous opportunity for you to discover how you can use your incredible personal power to turn your dreams into reality, and find out who you are, where you are going and what you can and should be.
I believe these visions are psychic messages, Zaulson. They act as keyholes through which the universe permits me to peer into the past and future. Just remember they are symbolic.
Here is the first one...
I see a person walking beside a beautiful pool, its blue water glistening from the lights both within the pool and surrounding it. There seems to be a party going on, for all around the shimmering blue water are scores of well dressed, well groomed, successful looking people, talking, sipping champagne and eating the beautifully presented hors d'oeuvres that were being passed around by formally dressed waiters. This person, who is obviously the host, is greeted warmly and respectfully by each guest, and politely acknowledges praise for the party and their incredible success.![]()
However, I also had another vision, this one came after I was up all night thinking about what would happen if this tremendous opportunity was not taken advantage of...
It is early in the morning and I see a person standing in a terribly crowded bus. Looking down to the front of the bus I can see even more people pushing and shoving their way in. It is hot and the air conditioning on the bus doesn't seem to be working judging from the sweat pouring down the faces of the people pushing up against this person, and the limp, sticky clothes they are wearing. Then I hear the bus driver say, "Everyone off, this bus is being taken out of service".
Struggling, I quickly extricated myself from this stifling nightmare only to find myself drenched in my own perspiration.
What the visions told me was, if you use your strengths, talents and abilities to open and walk through the door of good fortune being offered to you, you will be on your way to living your dreams. If you don't do these things, not only will things not go your way, not only will your life not get any better, it could also put the breaks on you realizing your dreams. (The bus going out of service was a metaphor for this I am sure of it.)
Now let me tell you what I think you need to fulfill your destiny and your potential and use the juggernaut of good fortune you are being given to live your dreams.
There is a treasure waiting to be discovered
...and this treasure is in youFirst, this will be a time where money, health and love will be there for you in extraordinary abundance, but you have to reach out and take it, Zaulson. In order to do this you will have to know where your strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and talents are, and how you can use some and reduce or eliminate others.
Now is not the time for you to sit by and passively wait for things to happen. Even with all this good fortune at your door, if you want to change your life, if you want to better your life, if you want to start living your dreams you've got to take an active role!
To paraphrase a popular saying, "Good fortune only helps those who help themselves."
Even with all the luck in the world if you don't use it nothing will happen. If I gave you the winning lottery numbers and you did not play them, you would not and could not win. So, think Carpe Diem, Latin for "seize the day." This should be your motto. Only in your case it's more like seize the year, because there is so much abundance waiting for you to seize.
Now let me tell you what you will have to know in order to use this time to your greatest advantage...
This will be your key To Money, Health and Love
- I'll show you the amazing virtues, strengths, talents, and abilities I discovered while working on your forecast, so you can use them to take best advantage of the great good fortune that is on its way to you.
- You'll be introduced to your secret self, the side of you that even you do not know. This is the side that contains and controls your personal power and the many untapped talents I saw.
- You will also meet your public self, so you can see how others see you, how you deal with day-to-day situations and how you react to unexpected events and what weaknesses you have. Then I'll teach you how to strengthen every aspect of your public self so you can adjust to, be prepared for and turn problems, obstacles and challenges into golden opportunities.
- And most importantly, as you read about and absorb what I will reveal to you, you will start to see small yet noticeable changes in yourself and notice your confidence and your drive to live your dreams and your enthusiasm for life become super charged.
Then with each passing day as you embrace and use your newly found personal power you'll find yourself effortlessly accomplishing your goals, impressing and influencing others and best of all, living and enjoying your dreams.Zaulson, this is the treasure that is in you. This is the treasure we will polish until it turns your dreams into reality, and your life into a fairytale!
I call this the "The Golden Key To Your Personal Power" and I guarantee this highly detailed report will super charge your life.
Now let me tell you about the special FREE gift I want to send you which will magnify your good fortune, and protect you from harm...
A Matching Golden Key Inscribed With Secret Runes To
Unlock Your Future and Protect You...
This specially energized key will concentrate and focus the positive energy that is now building around you and your own personal power that "The Golden Key To Your Personal Power", will help you uncover, rediscover and enhance. (Caution: You may feel a tingle when wearing it.)
If you look closely at it, Zaulson, you will see the deeply inscribed runes. These runes, derived from the Greeks and Romans, were used extensively by Germanic Peoples from the 3rd to 13th centuries to attract good fortune and ward off bad luck.
I had the key plated for you in Gold to protect its power and purity. (Gold, one of the basic elements, cannot be corroded or corrupted in any way by anything.)
As soon as you receive this key I want you to wear it or keep it close to you 24 hours a day.
This key is my personal gift to you...
It is absolutely free...period!These two "keys" will give you the means and ability to use the good fortune coming your way. Now the only other thing you need to turn your dreams into reality is to know when to use your personal power and good fortune to your best advantage...
This is why I have a second FREE gift for you,'s a guide that gives you the exact best times to use your personal power and your good fortune plus it gives you a set of incredibly lucky numbers!
It was fate that you sent in your request for a FREE forecast for over 11 months now. If I hadn't done your forecast when I did, I wouldn't have been in a position to write you this letter, so please don't ignore this. If you do, I believe you will be missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to obtain the happiness, health, security and love you have been looking for and deserve.
Your Happiness, Well Being and Success are Very Important To Me!
So to make it as easy and comfortable for you as possible to accept my help, I will create the "Golden Key To Your Personal Power," your incredibly detailed, insightful and personal report for only $14.95!
Plus, you have my Personal, Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction. This means I stand behind this work 100%. If for any reason, at any time, you feel that you want your money back, just drop me a note and I will refund the money back to you, immediately. You don't even have to send this personal report back, that's how much I trust you. (But no matter what, the key talisman and "the Planetary Hours and Lucky Numbers" guide are yours to keep. They are my gifts to you.)
So you don't miss a day of the good fortune coming to you...please click the box below now, so I can get started working on your "Golden Key To Your Personal Power" immediately!
Zaulson, I was given my psychic gifts not to become rich, but to help as many people as I can to live better, richer, happier and healthier lives, and that is the only reason I am writing to you today.
Please, let me use my gifts to help you now.
感謝各位對"李兆生"長期以來的支持,為了讓資源分享/管理顧問的關心者可以分享更多交流平台的心情及相關資訊, 我決定將更多的資源分享/管理顧問及相關資訊分享給各位,有興趣者請造訪"李兆生的資源分享/管理顧問之交流平台"新部落格,感謝您的關心與支持! !
2008年3月29日 星期六
Zaulson, having worked with your chart for over 11 months now, I now want to show you the best way to succeed
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